What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

The best family service ever to bless Houston, Texas. Without a shred of selfishness within their hearts, they agreed and responded immediately to my health issues due to mold infestations currently growing at Avenue Station Apartments. As an advocate for people who have disabilities in all truth and honesty, I recommend them wholeheartedly. Reward SERVPRO by generous incentives for A+ effort. Let everyone give our full support.

The team literally arrived within 15 minutes and got right to work. The job didn't even take two full days. Fantastic team!"

Can't say enough good things about this company. Great service!"

I received wonderful service from SERVPRO and they got the job done quickly and efficiently.  

SERVPRO of River Oaks was thorough, courteous, and extremely helpful in a time of need.

Excellent, bravo, they live up to their name. The service, response, and promises made were immediately kept. Thank you to all the ladies in the office as well as the gentlemen onsite.

The guys from SERVPRO were great and friendly. They did exceptional work as well. Thanks again SERVPRO